Classic Microsoft ASP is still out there and being used. In
most of the classic projects I've been involved in the classic website is in a
state of migration to a new ASP.NET website. In most cases in a hybrid
form. Moving forward on the project requires unifying the configuration so that
the two applications can co-exist and run as one application.
To make that easier I wrote a simple
classic asp class that could read connection string and app settings from a
.NET web.config file.
The class is designed to be able to support multiple different
web.config files (and in the case connection strings) support a config source.
This can allow you to externalize your connection strings from your web.config
The class is initialized the same way as any other object in classic asp:
The class is initialized the same way as any other object in classic asp:
It should be disposed of like any classic asp object:Dim config Set config = new Configuration
Set config = Nothing
By default the class is initialized with a default configuration
file named “web.config”. You can modify it by setting the configuration file
Dim config Set config = new Configuration config.ConfigurationFile = "web.config"
Reading a app setting:
Reading a connection string:Dim config Set config = new Configuration config.AppSetting("appLevel") Set config = Nothing
Note: This works for a referenced config source or embedded in configuration fileDim config Set config = new Configuration config.ConnectionString("YourConnectionStringName") Set config = Nothing
Class Configuration 'class sub Private Sub Class_Initialize m_ConfigurationFile = "web.config" 'set default configuration file (for web applications) End Sub 'configuration file Private m_ConfigurationFile Public Property Get ConfigurationFile() ConfigurationFile = m_ConfigurationFile End Property Public Property Let ConfigurationFile(p_ConfigurationFile) m_ConfigurationFile = p_ConfigurationFile End Property Public Property Get ConfigurationFileFullPath() ConfigurationFileFullPath = Server.MapPath(m_ConfigurationFile) End Property '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Business/Feature Functions '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Public Function AppSetting(p_AppSettingName) Dim objXMLDoc Set objXMLDoc = LoadConfigurationXmlFile() 'load the configuration file Dim n_AppSettings Set n_AppSettings = objXMLDoc.selectSingleNode("configuration/appSettings/add[@key='" + p_AppSettingName + "']") If IsNull(n_AppSettings) Or (varType(n_AppSettings) = vbEmpty) Or (IsObject(n_AppSettings) = False) Or (n_AppSettings is Nothing) Then Call Err.Raise(15002, "AppSetting", "AppSetting " + p_AppSettingName + " does not exist") Else AppSetting = n_AppSettings.GetAttribute("value") End If Set n_AppSettings = Nothing DestroyXmlObject(objXMLDoc) End Function 'ConnectionString 'Read a connection string from a web.config (or a referenced .config file) Public Function ConnectionString(p_ConnectionStringName) Dim objXMLDoc Set objXMLDoc = LoadConfigurationXmlFile() 'load the configuration file Dim n_ConnectionString Dim s_attributeConfigSource Set n_ConnectionString = objXMLDoc.selectSingleNode("configuration/connectionStrings") s_attributeConfigSource = n_ConnectionString.GetAttribute("configSource") If IsNull(s_attributeConfigSource) Or s_attributeConfigSource = "" Then ConnectionString = ReadFromConnectionStringNode(n_ConnectionString, p_ConnectionStringName) Else 'response.Write(s_attributeConfigSource) Dim objXMLConnectionStringDoc Set objXMLConnectionStringDoc = CreateXmlObject() objXMLConnectionStringDoc.load Server.MapPath(s_attributeConfigSource) 'load the configuration file Set n_ConnectionString = objXMLConnectionStringDoc.selectSingleNode("connectionStrings") 'set the connection string node to read from this file. ConnectionString = ReadFromConnectionStringNode(n_ConnectionString, p_ConnectionStringName) DestroyXmlObject(objXMLConnectionStringDoc) End If Set s_attributeConfigSource = Nothing Set n_ConnectionString = Nothing DestroyXmlObject(objXMLDoc) End Function 'ReadFromConnectionStringNode 'Query out connection string information from the connection string node. It will contain 'zero to many connection strings so we will find the correct one by looking for the connection 'string name using an XPath statement. 'Errors: '15001 - connection string not found Private Function ReadFromConnectionStringNode(n_ConnectionString, p_ConnectionStringName) 'query for the connection string information Dim n_configInfo Set n_configInfo = n_ConnectionString.selectSingleNode("add[@name='" + p_ConnectionStringName + "']") If IsNull(n_configInfo) Or (varType(n_configInfo) = vbEmpty) Or (IsObject(n_configInfo) = False) Or (n_configInfo is Nothing) Then Call Err.Raise(15001, "ConnectionString", "Connection String " + p_ConnectionStringName + " does not exist") End If ReadFromConnectionStringNode = n_configInfo.GetAttribute("connectionString") 'return the connection string information from the xml file Set n_configInfo = Nothing End Function '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Utility Functions '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Function LoadConfigurationXmlFile() Dim objXMLDoc Set objXMLDoc = CreateXmlObject() objXMLDoc.load Me.ConfigurationFileFullPath() 'load the configuration file Set LoadConfigurationXmlFile = objXMLDoc End Function Private Function CreateXmlObject() Dim objXMLDoc Set objXMLDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0") objXMLDoc.async = False Set CreateXmlObject = objXMLDoc End Function Private Function DestroyXmlObject(p_XmlObject) Set p_XmlObject = Nothing End Function End Class
Classic asp, web.config, classic asp web.config, classic asp read connection string from web.config, classic asp read appsettings from web.config
1 comment:
Thank you Christopher!
It works like a charm!
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